Many Australians worry about skin cancer, and with good reason.  Australia has the highest rate of skin cancer in the world.
Anyone at high risk or with a family history of skin cancer should make an appointment for a full body skin examination immediately.


Factors that increase the risk of skin cancer

v (4)You have been sunburned in the past, particularly as a child or adolescent
v (4)You have a large number of moles on your body
v (4)You have unusual types of moles on your body
v (4)You have sunbaked or used a solarium in the past
v (4)You have a light complexion (red or fair hair; blue or green eyes; freckles; don’t tan easily)
v (4)You work outdoors / play outdoor sport (or have done so in the past) with repeated exposure to UV rays
v (4)Have a personal or family history of skin cancer
v (4)Are immunosuppressed (including organ transplant recipients)
v (4)Are over 60


How does a skin check work?

During a skin check you will be asked to undress down to your underwear and lye on an examination bed. A whole body skin inspection will be conducted as we carefully and thoroughly examine the skin for any signs of skin cancer. If we notice something suspicious, patients are provided with a detailed diagnosis and skin care treatment options as well as advice on how to prevent further sun damage. Patients are encouraged to voice any questions or concerns; providing a high standard of patient care is our priority.

If we notice something suspicious, a biopsy is conducted immediately with pathology results available within a few days.  We can also excise lesions. These procedures are performed in our sterile, private rooms.  All surgical instruments are cleaned and sterilized according to the highest Australian industry standards.  Dr. Vu is fully trained in all surgical and non-surgical skin cancer treatments and carries out all procedures with upmost care, compassion and professionalism.